Friday 8 May 2009

Know Thyself

State of consciousness is, being subject to the circle of influence that surrounds an individual or group and becomes the impressions on the thoughts actions and response to the world around them. The state of being conscious, refers to a state of awakening or knowing, self awareness and intent.

It is therefore important to be conscious of who we are and ultimately our potential, so that we can define the state of our consciousness and not allow only the things that have been put in front of us to define who we are. What other people say about us is history, what we say about ourselves is ourstory.

"History is a clock that people use to tell their political and cultural time of day. It is also a compass that people use to find themselves on the map of human geography. The role of history is to tell a people what they have been, what they are and where they are. The most important role that history plays is that it has the function of telling a people where they must still go and what they still must be."

Identification with one's history and culture (Ourstory) is truly the first step towards regaining a sense of consciousness. "True teachings is not the accumulation of knowledge; it is an awakening of consciousness which goes through successive stages." - ( KMT Proverb )

“When the truth comes along and you know in your bones that it’s the truth yet you still refuse to accept and defend it, you then really begin to die.”


Saturday 2 May 2009

Love of Self - Who are you trying to be?

Love of self and self knowledge are very important things.However these days the opposite happens.
People are taught to want and love things other than self,they are taught in religions that they are nothing and bad " we are born in sin,we aren't worthy".

In education we are taught somebody elses ideaologies, if you don't accept/understand it then your bad or stupid.

If you can't remember this persons thoughts or you don't put these memorised thoughts as your answers in a test then you fail.

This is all just not right.How can you express yourself and master your potential if all your being made to do is be like somebody else.

Education in ancient times (Kemet) was about bringing out the knowledge from inside yourself and making you realise,actualise then master your potential.

Now from here on out this is aimed at females, for the simple fact that this affects them most of all.

Females all day every day get bombarded with images,adverts and even verbal opinions of how they should look,what is beautiful and what men wan't.

90% of adverts are aimed at women, adverts on make up, a million n one hair products, fashion adverts, skin creams.
I hate these adverts for the simple fact that they teach hate of self on a subconscious level.
Women reading are probably disagreeing and getting defensive already lol but please read on and make your judgement after you've finished reading.

If you naturally have very thick, curly hair, seeing 100 hair adverts a day talking about how to have nice, healthy hair, and on these adverts they always show your hair type as frizzy, ugly, dead hair, and portray very straight hair as healthy and nice, then eventually subconsciously your going to think of your hair as those negative things and may even desire straight "healthy" hair.

These girls ignore the fact that if your born naturally with that hair how can it be unhealthy for you?

The above goes for the opposite, a girl with naturally straight hair wanting curly hair because in the adverts her hair is described as lifeless.

As a man I can understand why females are so caught up in looks and looking a certain way.
Even deeper is the make up, the adverts say they enhance your features.
They don't enhance jack, they may decorate, but not enhance, it's not your features looking nice it's the make up, if you paint a stick of wood, your not enhancing the wood your just covering up the wood.
Ladies don't be fooled by Tel-lie-vision (t.v) naturally is the most beautiful way for you to be.

External always changes.Beauty is internal. If your beautiful on the inside and love your self it shines in some form on the outside and I DO NOT mean vanity and arrogance.

If you were born with light skin and you put cream on to make you dark who are you trying to be?

If you were born short and your wearing shoes to be tall who are you trying to be?

If you were born with blue eyes and you wear contacts to make your eyes green who are you trying to be?

If you were born with blonde hair and you dye your hair red who are you trying to be?

If you were born with afro hair and you perm, straighten or weave your hair who are you trying to be?

Answer = somebody other than your self.

Love your self and and you will be happy in life.

Peace be unto you


Thursday 30 April 2009

Real Truths about Moses - Written by Kwame

At the outset, it must be stated that Moses was a black Afrikan man who was born in ancient Kemet (Egypt) during the reign of Pharaoh Harembab (1340— 1320 B.C.). He spent most of his life in Egypt and married an Ethiopian woman named Zipporah. They had two sons Gershon and Elieyer.According to Dr. Ben Jochannan, Moses, who was born of the tribe of Levi, was miraculously saved by his sister while floating down the Nile River in a bulrush basket.

He was put down the Nile by his mother because the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses I was killing all the Hebrew males born throughout the Kingdom.The fact is that as a High Priest during the reign of Pharahoh Akhneton, (xxvth Dynasty, 1370 —1352 B.C). Moses was not only familiar and knowledgeable with "42 Negative Confessions" but also with the 10 categories of sins that existed. He was also familiar with the spiritual concept of Monotheism that Akhneton introduced to the people. Basically then, when he reached eastern Egypt (Mount Sinai), Moses prayed to Amun—Ra, the son of God of ancient Egypt. It was very easy for Moses to establish a new religion for his people as a result of his spiritual education and training in Western Egypt. Moses then collapsed the "42 Negative Confessions" into the "Ten Commandments" and he continued to embrace the concept of Monotheism. Moses used the concept of fire to receive the "Ten Commandments" because in ancient Egypt the spiritual God — force was represented by fire.

In other words, the religion of the followers of Moses today is Afrikan in origin, including Christianity.The reality is that there is NO such thing as "EXODUS". That's a mythical lie. The historical truism is provided by Dr. Yosef ben—Jochannan in his magnum opus titled African Origins of the Major Western Religions (1970) as follows:

It was only when Moses had to flee Pharaoh Ramses II's anger because he had murdered Ramses' representative — the solder — did Moses begin to plan the "EXODUS" of his fellow indigenous Egyptians of the Hebrew faith from Western to Eastern Egypt (from the Aswan end of the Nile River Delta to Mount Sinai) (p. 153).In Black Christian Nationalism: New Directions for the Black Church (1972), Dr. ben—Jochannan suggests that Ramses II supposedly "chased Moses all over the Egyptian desert to avenge his soldier (or guard) whom Moses killed." "Moses was charged with murder." (pp. 301—303). Moses was fleeing from the scene of his crime in Egypt.Moses was not freeing his people from the bondage of the tyrant Pharaoh Ramses II.

He was attempting to free his people from ensuring punishment that his crime would have precipitated. Moses committed a SIN.In ancient Egypt at this time, the Jews, formerly called Hebrews (Haribus) had migrated from Asia "a starving lot... (of) unfortunate nomads from Asia." "There is no evidence that those lowly Asian Jews had any formalized education of a standard in any way comparable with that which the indigenous Afrikans of Egypt had developed." Neither is there any evidence that they had a set code of ethics and morals that were contrary , or in support, of those they met in the Afrikan land—Egypt." These Asian Jews were only shepherds when they entered Egypt. These Jews entered Egypt circa 1632 B.C. until their "exodus" in 1232 B.C., during the reign of Ramses II, 1279—1212 B.C. The Egyptians not only accepted their Asian brothers and sisters, the Haribus, as equals but also integrated them into every aspect of Egyptian society. Prior to this accepted integration, these Jews "had not established a Government anywhere, other than tribal groupings."

In addition, the major pyramids had already been built by the Pharaohs Khufu, Khafra and Menkara at Giza—a period which expanded 2680 —2258 B.C.The fact of the matter is that the original 42 "Declarations of Innocence" or "Admonitions of Ma'at" can be found in the sacred spiritual texts inscribed on the walls of the Temple of Unas in ancient Kemet. According to the Euro—Christian Holy Bible, Acts 7:22, "Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and was mighty in words and in deeds."When the Egyptian Moses took these ancient Kemetic laws to the Barbarians, he had to change them because he was speaking to illiterate people who were living in caves and hills of Europe and who had never lived a spiritual way of life. As such, Moses had to transfer the original Kemetic text "I have not..." to "Thou shall not..." that is, into Commandments.These are the Original Afrikan — Kemetic spiritual:"42 Declarations of Innocence" "42 Admonitions of Ma'at" "42 Negative Confessions"

1 -I have not done iniquity.
2- I have not robbed with violence.
3- I have not stolen.
4- I have done no murder, I have done no harm.
5- I have not defrauded offerings.
6- I have not diminished obligations.
7- I have not plundered the Netcher.
8- I have not spoken lies.
9- I have not snatched away food.
10- I have not caused pain.
11- I have not committed fornication.
12- I have not caused shedding of tears.
13- I have not dealt deceitfully.
14- I have not transgressed.
15- I have not acted guilefully.
16- I have not laid waste the ploughed land.
17- I have not been an eavesdropper.
18- I have not set my lips in motion (against any man).
19- I have not been angry and wrathful except for a just cause.
20- I have not defiled the wife of any man.
21- I have not defiled the wife of any man. (repeated twice)
22- I have not polluted myself.
23- I have not cause terror.
24- I have not transgressed. (repeated twice)
25- I have not burned with rage.
26- I have not stopped my ears against the words of Right and Truth (Ma'at).
27- I have not worked grief.
28- I have not acted with insolence.
29- I have not stirred up a strife.
30- I have not judged hastily.
31- I have not been an eavesdropper. (repeated twice)
32- I have not multiplied words exceedingly.
33- I have not done neither harm nor ill.
34- I have never cursed the King.
35- I have never fouled the water.
36- I have not spoken scornfully.
37- I have never cursed the Netcher.
38- I have not stolen.
39- I have not defrauded the offerings of the Netcher.
40- I have not plundered the offerings to the blessed dead.
41- I have not filched the food of the infant, neither have I sinned against the Netcher of my native town.
42- I have not slaughtered with evil intent the cattle of the Netcher.
These "Negative Confessions" represent the FIRST moral code of ethics invented for a people to live by on a daily basis. Afrikans invented these moral codes in the B.C. era.
These were developed before there was a Christian Holy Bible or an Islamic Holy Qur'an. It took the ancient Afrikans fifty generations or 1,200 years to develop these moral, spiritual codes. The reason why there are 42 "Confessions" is because there were 42 "Districts" or "Provinces" which the ancient Kemites — Afrikans — Egyptians called "Sepat". When the Greeks (the world's first Europeans) conquered Kemet in 332 B.C., they re—named them "Nomes".
At that time also, there were ten categories of sins in Kemet (Egypt). Thus, the ten categories of sins that Moses, the Afrikan, used as the basis to formulate the so—called "Ten Commandments" already existed. They are as follows:

1 -"General sins against people"
2- "Crimes against a person"
3- "Crimes against the Gods"
4- "Crimes against the King"
5- "Crimes against the Dead"
6- "Crimes against animals"
7- "Crimes against Property"
8- "Fraud"
9- "Faults of morals and character"(1)
10- "Faults of morals and character"(11)

As such it did not take a genius in rocket science or advanced calculus to collapse 42 into 10 and that's precisely what the former Egyptian High Priest Moses did. Nothing more; nothing less.

These are the Derived Euro — Christian religious "Ten Commandments"

1 -I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt have no other Gods before me. (41)
2- Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image...
3- Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain...(7, 37, 41)
4- Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy...
5 -Honor thy father and thy mother. (1, 12, 28)
6 -Thou shalt not kill. (4)
7- Thou shalt not commit adultery. (11, 20, 21)
8 -Thou shalt not steal. (2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 39, 40)
9- Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor (8, 13, 18, 29)
10 -Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house or wife... (13, 20, 21, 29, 33)

Their derivative from the original 42 "Negative Confessions" are shown at the end of each. In other words, the modern-day Euro-Christian "Ten Commandments" did not come or were received from God above; they are Afrikan — Kemetic in origin.

In this regard, one must clearly understand that there is a vast difference between original Afrikan spirituality and derived Euro-Christian religion. Spirituality is defined as the direct connection, relationship and interaction with the universe, cosmos, nature and that spiritual God — force, Amen-Ra "the giver/creator of life" (as outlined in your bible in Revelation 3 verse 14).

"Religion is defined as the deification of a people's cultural experiences, politics and political power control intent. And this is precisely why Moses had to change the 42 "Confessions" which represented a daily way of life and being into "Commandments" as a medium for power, force and control of his people's daily lives.Afrikan people need to understand that in the B.C. era, Afrika was known as "the land of spiritual people".

As a result of European supremacy, Afrika and Afrikans globally have been transformed into a "religious people" in the A.D. era to our powerless detriment. Afrikans have lost their original spirituality. Afrikan people also need to understand that in the B.C. era, ALL the Gods were Black; now in the A.D. era, All the Gods are White.

This represents European religious power-control supremacy at its zenith. Now is the time in this 21st millennium for Afrikans on the Continent and in the Diaspora to retrieve, recapture, relocate, reclaim, reconnect, reorient and re-enact their original spirituality on a daily basis 24-7-365 as the most potent weapon in their armory to survive and empower themselves. Nothing else will do.

Shem Hotep ("I go in peace")

Dr Kwame

The Truth about Cooked Food - Written by Ka-sebai-Ba

This may be an annoying topic, and by now you'll prob think jeez come on, give us a brerak, but all i am doing is telling you the truth of matters, its your choice to live by the truth, or continue the lie, its your life after all. Hotep

Truth about Cooked foods.

Cooking renders food toxic! The toxicity of the deranged debris of cooking is confirmed by the doubling and tripling of white blood cells after eating a cooked food meal. The white blood cells are the first line of defense and are, collectively, popularly called "the immune system."

All cooking quickly generates mutagens and carcinogens in foods. (this why many of you die from Cancer)

Proteins begin coagulating and deaminating at temperatures commonly applied in cooking, and are devoid of nutritive value.
Vitamins are rather quickly destroyed by cooking.

Minerals quickly lose their organic context and are returned to their native state as they occur in soil, sea water and rocks, metals and so on. In such a state they are unusable and the body often shunts them aside where they may combine with saturated fats and cholesterol in the circulatory system, thus clogging it up with cement-like plaque.

Heated fats are especially damaging because they are altered to form acroleins, free radicals and other mutagens and carcinogens as confirmed in, "Diet, Nutrition and Cancer."
Thus you can see that dead foods make dull, diseased and sooner dead people.

This is the truth of the matter, now stop being shocked when you find out your family memeber or close friend has cancer, or heart disease. NO it is not the most high punishing them, or allow it to happen to them, no it is not your fate, rather it is self harm, rather it is miseducation, wrong information, and BAD habbits, we are killing ourselfs, we are meant to live for up to 150 years with ease, but instead we die young, WHY ?? well now you know why, its all about what we have been eating. Its all about how we have been eating. Its Time for a transition, a transfiguration.

The sad thing is, even with this information, most of us will just ignore and continue on, because we jsut dont care enough, or because we think hmm i have been fine up until now (even though you have been sick many times with stomach aches, vomitting, bad colds, fevers, food poisening, Heart burn etc) we still think, hmm its all good, some of us are so sad to be-lie-eve that if we pray over poisen we will still be ok, (Fools) but what can you do, this is what you call The Matrix, this is what you call a SPELL, and being spell bound.

release these demons that are on you, controlling your thoughts. How do you know its control, well simply put. If you can see and identify something that is killing you, but yet you continue to do it regardless, that means you are undercontrol in other words Mental illness.

Wake Up


Hotep. (things that make you go, hmmmm)

The Transistion process - Written by Ka-Sebai-Ba

Now, all this talk about eating right, is great, but it will be unfair if i didnt give you you method of how to get on the right path.

Here's how the diet transition process works:

First we define our goals as clearly as possible. Then we begin a process of self-education, setting our sights on the truth about nutrition, health and life, reading (goods book to get are, African Holistic health by Dr afrika, Heal thyself by Queen Afua), observing, asking questions, taking nothing at face value; we prove our own truths and question our own perceptions.

We incorporate more and more fresh foods into our diet, selecting those which taste and harmonize best with our system. We develop a satisfying eating style which follows food combining guidelines for proper digestion, supports balanced energy, peak productivity and physical rejuvenation. All the while we reflect on how our body is responding, using the feedback to refine our eating style.

The transition process becomes more successful as we increase our awareness about our whole mind-body process and cultivate a "let-it-flow" attitude which loosens our attachment to past unhealthful habits.

Do you desire to make a transition to a more natural diet? Does that make sense intellectually and emotionally? Perhaps you have some doubts or fears. Go into a Self-educate process. Your process may be enhanced by obtaining guidance from experienced health professionals who know the dynamics of the transition process and who "walk the talk."

Dietary transition is an unfolding process which can be a wonderful odyssey which lifts your quality of life in ways you never thought possible. For it to be successful, we need to start with the basics. I recommend studying the "African Holistic health" , and reading as many books based on it as you can.

Happy Eating,


Why I want to start eating Raw food - Written by Ka-Sebai-Ba

Every culture seems to have a story about how human life began on Earth. Most describe a story where humans showed up here living in paradise. Everything was perfect for long ages of time, until something happened. Some consider that "something" to be the flood, or to be "the knowledge of good and evil," or a shift in the ages, etc. What was it? Why is it that humans live life on Earth so differently from the other creatures here?

The great change came over the life of humans on this planet when we discovered fire and began experimenting with cooking our food. Let's use our best sense: no other creature on the planet cooks or tampers with its food in any way. Here is an experiment: Let's feed a tribe of gorillas coffee and donuts for a few generations and let's see what happens! Because cooked food is part and parcel to civilization we have been trained never to question it.

What constitutes the basis of human nourishment? Is it pills and supplements coming out of the roaring jaws of factories? Is it the flesh of animals being churned out by factory farms? Is it the milk of cows which was intended for baby calves? Is it cooked and processed food?

The basis of human nourishment is obvious: it is RAW PLANT FOOD which is presented to us in abundance in nature. All this talk about this diet or that diet or "natural" this or "natural" that is all nonsensical. There is only one normal diet, and we need to be on it.. that is a raw-food based diet.

Going raw recreates you in your original form. Eating raw transforms you back into an intuitive natural creature ‹ it returns to you lost powers you once had. Eating raw plant food radically naturalizes you and puts one back in touch with the material and spiritual flow of life (Ankh). Because of this effect, eating raw grounds you in the natural world and also provides you with more awareness of the spiritual world which is the mirror image of the natural world.

We are a work of art in progress. Each meal is a cloud or a tree or a flower a piece of the painting that we are becoming. Every bite of food we put in our body should be adding to our perfection, to our beauty. You are what you eat is a cosmic law. It is known in every culture and throughout every civilization throughout history.

Every person knows that saying. Give your body the highest quality food possible. Eat organic and homegrown food.

Its a challenge, and yes we are already addicted (yes ADDICTED) to a certain way of eating, and certain food products, its time to use mind over the matter, to get back into a right way of living, stop eating to die, and start eating to live.


Should We Eat Living Foods or Dead Foods?

This is a discussion held by an electrical food (Live food) eater, giving good knowledge on why we should not eat cooked food. Hotep.

Why should this question arise?

Because the peoples of this world suffer grievously from widespread disease. Recent research has revealed that the quality of nutrients we put into out bodies determines the quality of our lives. We are all aware that engines perform well or poorly, depending upon the quality of the fuel used. Few of us realize that food quality directly determines our physical and mental performance abilities.

I frequently receive phone calls that go like this: Is it okay to eat corn? Potatoes? Oats? Bread? Prepared cereals? Beans? Tofu? And many other substances which must be cooked in order to be eaten.

When I facetiously say that it's not okay by me, I get the inevitable "why?" Then I tell them we are all our brothers' keepers and if you lose your health, it's an imposition upon me and millions of other people whose lives your condition directly and indirectly affects.
What questioners really meant was why aren't these foods okay? I must then tell them of the many evils and curses that result from the eating of foods that have been heat deranged I tell them: "If you can't relish It in the fresh raw state, you shouldn't be eating It at all." To save myself a lot of emails and communications, I will, spell out many of the salient reasons why "dead" foods should never enter the human mouth.

The First thing I do with bloggers, and writiers is present the benefits of the living food enormous diet. For instance I might say:

Live food eaters feel better and are often in a state of euphoria.
Live food eaters have more energy and stamina.
Then I get the inevitable "why" which is a way of saying "prove it."
I respond: "Just bear with me." I proceed to heighten their curiosity with further statements like:

Those who subsist on living foods are better rested and better slept in less time.
Those who eat most living foods are more alert, think clearer, sharper and more logically.
Those who undertake the eating of live foods, especially in conjunction with an exercise regime, experience drastic weight loss. This is great for those people who need to lose weight.
Going on a living food diet sets of body cleansing which, at times, can be very intense. Body detoxification may entail some unpleasant symptoms.

Those who rely upon living foods become more active and precise in their motions and actions as well as their thoughts. Hence they perform much better and with more competence.
Living food eaters are less subject to stresses and nervous tensions than conventional eaters. Moreover, if an exercise regime of 15 to 30 minutes a day is followed, they are even less subject to stress.

Best of all, live food eaters become virtually sickness-free!
Of course a great deal of skepticism is often expressed- -after all, they need dispensation as well as justification for their love affairs with pizza, bread, potatoes and so on.
They may even tell me that this is all just anecdotal, that is, just like old wives tales.
I then tell them: "Why not try it yourself and experience the wonderful results. Then you can tell your own experiences anecdotally just as you are now anecdotally expressing your skepticism." Then I proceed to start putting the clinchers on my case as follows:
In nature all animals eat living foods as yielded up by nature. Only humans cook their foods and only humans suffer widespread sicknesses and ailments.

Only humans regularly and consistently suffer premature death. Natural death in humans is so rare that it isn't even listed as a cause of death in our almanacs or statistics.
Then the question often arises: "What's so terrible about cooking foods? Everybody does it."
To which I respond: "Just about everybody has cavities, poor eyesight that requires glasses, colds and other sicknesses, don't they?" Then I answer further with some statements and citations that are obviously true:

Cooking is a process of food destruction from the moment heat is applied to the foodstuff. Long before dry ashes result, food values are totally destroyed. If you put your hand for just a moment into boiling water, or on a hot stove, that should forever persuade you just how destructive temperatures for perhaps half an hour or more are! What was living substance becomes totally dead very rapidly with exposure to heat!

Proteins begin coagulating and delaminating, as may be plainly seen in the case of eggs and cheese when their temperature reaches only 118 degrees. At temperatures commonly applied in cooking, they are completely devoid of nutritive values. Worse yet...
Cooked proteins are readily putrefied by bacteria in the digestive tract and give rise to some very potent poisons such as ptomaine's, leukomaines, mercaptans, indoles, skatoles, ammonias, hydrogen sulfide, putrescine, cadaverine and yet more. These are absorbed into the portal blood and cause myriad's of disease conditions.

Cooking renders foods toxic! The toxicity of the deranged debris of cooking is confirmed by the doubling and tripling of the white blood cells after the eating of a cooked food meal. The white blood cells are a first line of defense and are, collectively, popularly called "the immune system."
As confirmed by hundred of researches cited in the prestigious National Academy of Science's National Research Council's book, "Diet, Nutrition and Cancer," all cooking quickly generates mutagens and carcinogens in foods. When you eat cooked carbohydrates, proteins and fats you are eating numerous mutagenic (carcinogenic) products caused by cooking.
Vitamins are rather quickly destroyed by cooking.

Minerals quickly lose their organic context and are returned to their native state as they occur in soil, sea water, rocks, metals and so on. In such a state they are unusable and the body often shunts them aside where they may combine with saturated fats and cholesterol in the circulatory system, thus clogging it up with their cement-like plaque. Over 90% of Americans have plaque in their arteries! Worse yet, inorganic minerals are highly toxic. As an example we know iodine to be an essential nutrient. Yet, in its inorganic state, it bears the skull and crossbones. Take iron as an example. Essential as it is, if taken in the inorganic state it causes hepatitis and hemochromatosis.

Heated fats are especially damaging because they are altered to form acroleins, free radicals, other mutagens and carcinogens as confirmed in the aforementioned publication, "Diet, Nutrition and Cancer. "

Cooked foods not only take longer to digest but often prove to be indigestible and unassailable as in the case of heated proteins. Cooked foods quickly ferment and putrefy in the intestinal tract while living foods are almost totally absorbed before they're oxidized enough for yeast and bacterial ferments and putrefaction.

This evidenced by the fact that the average conventional eater has about two pounds of intestinal bacteria whereas living food eaters have only a few ounces. About 20% of the feces of cooked food eaters is dead bacteria whereas living food eaters give off only a fraction as much dead bacteria.

If you cook a potato and put it on the counter alongside a raw one, the raw potato will last for weeks and even sprout whereas the cooked potato will ferment in one or two days. This gives you some idea about what happens to cooked foods in the intestinal tract where fermentation and putrefaction that may take place in a day or two in the open occurs in an hour or two in the intestinal tract. Again, indigestion is an indication that fermentation and/or putrefaction is talking place.

When a registered dietitian took Harvey Diamond to task and in effect called him an ignoramus and liar he discombobulated and made her statements obviously wrong with a single question: "Lady, did you ever vomit?"

Thus you can see that dead foods make dull, diseased and sooner dead people.
You don't have to take my word for It! Get yourself some guinea pigs, white mice or white rats. What humans take years to exhibit, they manifest within weeks. Feed a control group their regular diet in a raw condition. Feed the other control group the same foods but cooked!

Better yet, you can go on a raw food or living foods diet and see the wonderful results enumerated herein for yourself! Of course you may have to go through discomforts when the body, with better foods, begins purifying itself.

I think this rather nicely sums up the most salient reasons why you should shun cooked foods--why you should, if you treasure health and happiness, eat only living foods!

Kaom wrtites - Hmm interesting, the choice is yours, if you truly wish to change your life for the better, why not start thinking about eating right ? i mean jeez, doesnt it make sense to eat right, you are what you eat after all, and it makes sense to eat living foods, not dead foods.
