Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Is it SON or SUN worship (More for the Christians) written by KA-Sebai-BA

Malachi (King James Version of Bible) actually goes deep, and clears this whole confusion up in one verse It says word for word from the KING JAMES bible, (as you already should know, but have prob looked over)

Malachi 4: 2 - 3 But unto you that fear my name shall the S-U-N (not son) of righteousness arise with healing in HIS (referring to the sun as a person lol) wings; and ye shall go forth and grow up as calves of a stall. the Sun of righteousness with healing in His wings, ya know.. jeez, must be another typo in the bible ... poor king james, and his pathetic attempt and copy of the anceint words about the creator, not OF the creator, but about the creator. (not the words of Yahweh, but words ABOUT Yahweh) Hence the first words in the bible say.. "In the begining, god created the heaven and the earth, and the earth was without form and void, and the spirit of god moved across the deep waters, and god said, let there be light...." (does this sound like the word of god, or a story about god?)and not... In the begining I created the heavens and I made the earth, and when I saw the earth, it was without form or void, and MY spirit moved across the deep waters, and I said, Let there be light, and behold there was light. (does this sound like the word of god or a story about god?)

Now which statement is in the worlds number 1 selling book ? yh you guessed it,!!!

You see the blaintent difference.. that we over look as usual. Its a an account about the creator, stolen from many different ancient aspects of this creator, not an account of the actual words of the creator. (yh stolen and shared, then mixed up, jumbled, and watered down, into a form of control, and domination, controlling the lives of others, what power, knowledge is power they say, and when you have ppl’s souls, you can make them believe anything. Its funny, no matter how much evidence a person can put in an individuals face, they wont ever think out side of that what they have been controlled to believe.

The lack of knowledge means ppl can control your mind, that’s dangerous. Its like me telling you, that if you continue to eat poison you will eventually die, and then you telling me, no I won’t die, my family have been eating it for generations, and this is the food we believe to be good for us, but because your trapped in that way of thinking, you just continue killing yourself. In this sense, what your killing is your mind, and inner being, and the connection to what’s real.) – but we cant let go, its too scary to let go, we don’t have faith in ourselves, anymore, cos we are trained to have faith out side of ourselves, so once someone shakes the foundations a little, and show you its all madness, you become confused, not knowing left from right, not knowing what to trust, when the answer has always been you, and the power within.)

If it was the words of the creator, there wouldnt be so many stupid mistakes, and it would be written in the first person, using words like, I made this, i made that. not using words like... and god said, this, and that. .. i mean come on. i say we review the church statement of faith, we need to edit out the bit about, the king james bible being the infallable word of god. cos to hold your right arm up and declare you believe that, is condemnation to your own intellect, and being, and a slap in the face to the most high. (thats my own personal opinion)

Time to stop living as a sun of A-man (caucasian man at that) lol and start trying to live this truely life seeking, heart aching, hard working, Knowledge finding, wisdom gaining, life as a true SON, Daughter of the most high, EL.


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