Friday, 8 May 2009
Know Thyself
It is therefore important to be conscious of who we are and ultimately our potential, so that we can define the state of our consciousness and not allow only the things that have been put in front of us to define who we are. What other people say about us is history, what we say about ourselves is ourstory.
"History is a clock that people use to tell their political and cultural time of day. It is also a compass that people use to find themselves on the map of human geography. The role of history is to tell a people what they have been, what they are and where they are. The most important role that history plays is that it has the function of telling a people where they must still go and what they still must be."
Identification with one's history and culture (Ourstory) is truly the first step towards regaining a sense of consciousness. "True teachings is not the accumulation of knowledge; it is an awakening of consciousness which goes through successive stages." - ( KMT Proverb )
“When the truth comes along and you know in your bones that it’s the truth yet you still refuse to accept and defend it, you then really begin to die.”
Saturday, 2 May 2009
Love of Self - Who are you trying to be?
People are taught to want and love things other than self,they are taught in religions that they are nothing and bad " we are born in sin,we aren't worthy".
In education we are taught somebody elses ideaologies, if you don't accept/understand it then your bad or stupid.
If you can't remember this persons thoughts or you don't put these memorised thoughts as your answers in a test then you fail.
This is all just not right.How can you express yourself and master your potential if all your being made to do is be like somebody else.
Education in ancient times (Kemet) was about bringing out the knowledge from inside yourself and making you realise,actualise then master your potential.
Now from here on out this is aimed at females, for the simple fact that this affects them most of all.
Females all day every day get bombarded with images,adverts and even verbal opinions of how they should look,what is beautiful and what men wan't.
90% of adverts are aimed at women, adverts on make up, a million n one hair products, fashion adverts, skin creams.
I hate these adverts for the simple fact that they teach hate of self on a subconscious level.
Women reading are probably disagreeing and getting defensive already lol but please read on and make your judgement after you've finished reading.
If you naturally have very thick, curly hair, seeing 100 hair adverts a day talking about how to have nice, healthy hair, and on these adverts they always show your hair type as frizzy, ugly, dead hair, and portray very straight hair as healthy and nice, then eventually subconsciously your going to think of your hair as those negative things and may even desire straight "healthy" hair.
These girls ignore the fact that if your born naturally with that hair how can it be unhealthy for you?
The above goes for the opposite, a girl with naturally straight hair wanting curly hair because in the adverts her hair is described as lifeless.
As a man I can understand why females are so caught up in looks and looking a certain way.
Even deeper is the make up, the adverts say they enhance your features.
They don't enhance jack, they may decorate, but not enhance, it's not your features looking nice it's the make up, if you paint a stick of wood, your not enhancing the wood your just covering up the wood.
Ladies don't be fooled by Tel-lie-vision (t.v) naturally is the most beautiful way for you to be.
External always changes.Beauty is internal. If your beautiful on the inside and love your self it shines in some form on the outside and I DO NOT mean vanity and arrogance.
If you were born with light skin and you put cream on to make you dark who are you trying to be?
If you were born short and your wearing shoes to be tall who are you trying to be?
If you were born with blue eyes and you wear contacts to make your eyes green who are you trying to be?
If you were born with blonde hair and you dye your hair red who are you trying to be?
If you were born with afro hair and you perm, straighten or weave your hair who are you trying to be?
Answer = somebody other than your self.
Love your self and and you will be happy in life.
Peace be unto you
Thursday, 30 April 2009
Real Truths about Moses - Written by Kwame
He was put down the Nile by his mother because the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses I was killing all the Hebrew males born throughout the Kingdom.The fact is that as a High Priest during the reign of Pharahoh Akhneton, (xxvth Dynasty, 1370 —1352 B.C). Moses was not only familiar and knowledgeable with "42 Negative Confessions" but also with the 10 categories of sins that existed. He was also familiar with the spiritual concept of Monotheism that Akhneton introduced to the people. Basically then, when he reached eastern Egypt (Mount Sinai), Moses prayed to Amun—Ra, the son of God of ancient Egypt. It was very easy for Moses to establish a new religion for his people as a result of his spiritual education and training in Western Egypt. Moses then collapsed the "42 Negative Confessions" into the "Ten Commandments" and he continued to embrace the concept of Monotheism. Moses used the concept of fire to receive the "Ten Commandments" because in ancient Egypt the spiritual God — force was represented by fire.
In other words, the religion of the followers of Moses today is Afrikan in origin, including Christianity.The reality is that there is NO such thing as "EXODUS". That's a mythical lie. The historical truism is provided by Dr. Yosef ben—Jochannan in his magnum opus titled African Origins of the Major Western Religions (1970) as follows:
It was only when Moses had to flee Pharaoh Ramses II's anger because he had murdered Ramses' representative — the solder — did Moses begin to plan the "EXODUS" of his fellow indigenous Egyptians of the Hebrew faith from Western to Eastern Egypt (from the Aswan end of the Nile River Delta to Mount Sinai) (p. 153).In Black Christian Nationalism: New Directions for the Black Church (1972), Dr. ben—Jochannan suggests that Ramses II supposedly "chased Moses all over the Egyptian desert to avenge his soldier (or guard) whom Moses killed." "Moses was charged with murder." (pp. 301—303). Moses was fleeing from the scene of his crime in Egypt.Moses was not freeing his people from the bondage of the tyrant Pharaoh Ramses II.
He was attempting to free his people from ensuring punishment that his crime would have precipitated. Moses committed a SIN.In ancient Egypt at this time, the Jews, formerly called Hebrews (Haribus) had migrated from Asia "a starving lot... (of) unfortunate nomads from Asia." "There is no evidence that those lowly Asian Jews had any formalized education of a standard in any way comparable with that which the indigenous Afrikans of Egypt had developed." Neither is there any evidence that they had a set code of ethics and morals that were contrary , or in support, of those they met in the Afrikan land—Egypt." These Asian Jews were only shepherds when they entered Egypt. These Jews entered Egypt circa 1632 B.C. until their "exodus" in 1232 B.C., during the reign of Ramses II, 1279—1212 B.C. The Egyptians not only accepted their Asian brothers and sisters, the Haribus, as equals but also integrated them into every aspect of Egyptian society. Prior to this accepted integration, these Jews "had not established a Government anywhere, other than tribal groupings."
In addition, the major pyramids had already been built by the Pharaohs Khufu, Khafra and Menkara at Giza—a period which expanded 2680 —2258 B.C.The fact of the matter is that the original 42 "Declarations of Innocence" or "Admonitions of Ma'at" can be found in the sacred spiritual texts inscribed on the walls of the Temple of Unas in ancient Kemet. According to the Euro—Christian Holy Bible, Acts 7:22, "Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and was mighty in words and in deeds."When the Egyptian Moses took these ancient Kemetic laws to the Barbarians, he had to change them because he was speaking to illiterate people who were living in caves and hills of Europe and who had never lived a spiritual way of life. As such, Moses had to transfer the original Kemetic text "I have not..." to "Thou shall not..." that is, into Commandments.These are the Original Afrikan — Kemetic spiritual:"42 Declarations of Innocence" "42 Admonitions of Ma'at" "42 Negative Confessions"
1 -I have not done iniquity.
2- I have not robbed with violence.
3- I have not stolen.
4- I have done no murder, I have done no harm.
5- I have not defrauded offerings.
6- I have not diminished obligations.
7- I have not plundered the Netcher.
8- I have not spoken lies.
9- I have not snatched away food.
10- I have not caused pain.
11- I have not committed fornication.
12- I have not caused shedding of tears.
13- I have not dealt deceitfully.
14- I have not transgressed.
15- I have not acted guilefully.
16- I have not laid waste the ploughed land.
17- I have not been an eavesdropper.
18- I have not set my lips in motion (against any man).
19- I have not been angry and wrathful except for a just cause.
20- I have not defiled the wife of any man.
21- I have not defiled the wife of any man. (repeated twice)
22- I have not polluted myself.
23- I have not cause terror.
24- I have not transgressed. (repeated twice)
25- I have not burned with rage.
26- I have not stopped my ears against the words of Right and Truth (Ma'at).
27- I have not worked grief.
28- I have not acted with insolence.
29- I have not stirred up a strife.
30- I have not judged hastily.
31- I have not been an eavesdropper. (repeated twice)
32- I have not multiplied words exceedingly.
33- I have not done neither harm nor ill.
34- I have never cursed the King.
35- I have never fouled the water.
36- I have not spoken scornfully.
37- I have never cursed the Netcher.
38- I have not stolen.
39- I have not defrauded the offerings of the Netcher.
40- I have not plundered the offerings to the blessed dead.
41- I have not filched the food of the infant, neither have I sinned against the Netcher of my native town.
42- I have not slaughtered with evil intent the cattle of the Netcher.
1 -"General sins against people"
2- "Crimes against a person"
3- "Crimes against the Gods"
4- "Crimes against the King"
5- "Crimes against the Dead"
6- "Crimes against animals"
7- "Crimes against Property"
8- "Fraud"
9- "Faults of morals and character"(1)
10- "Faults of morals and character"(11)
As such it did not take a genius in rocket science or advanced calculus to collapse 42 into 10 and that's precisely what the former Egyptian High Priest Moses did. Nothing more; nothing less.
These are the Derived Euro — Christian religious "Ten Commandments"
1 -I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt have no other Gods before me. (41)
2- Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image...
3- Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain...(7, 37, 41)
4- Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy...
5 -Honor thy father and thy mother. (1, 12, 28)
6 -Thou shalt not kill. (4)
7- Thou shalt not commit adultery. (11, 20, 21)
8 -Thou shalt not steal. (2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 39, 40)
9- Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor (8, 13, 18, 29)
10 -Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house or wife... (13, 20, 21, 29, 33)
Their derivative from the original 42 "Negative Confessions" are shown at the end of each. In other words, the modern-day Euro-Christian "Ten Commandments" did not come or were received from God above; they are Afrikan — Kemetic in origin.
In this regard, one must clearly understand that there is a vast difference between original Afrikan spirituality and derived Euro-Christian religion. Spirituality is defined as the direct connection, relationship and interaction with the universe, cosmos, nature and that spiritual God — force, Amen-Ra "the giver/creator of life" (as outlined in your bible in Revelation 3 verse 14).
"Religion is defined as the deification of a people's cultural experiences, politics and political power control intent. And this is precisely why Moses had to change the 42 "Confessions" which represented a daily way of life and being into "Commandments" as a medium for power, force and control of his people's daily lives.Afrikan people need to understand that in the B.C. era, Afrika was known as "the land of spiritual people".
As a result of European supremacy, Afrika and Afrikans globally have been transformed into a "religious people" in the A.D. era to our powerless detriment. Afrikans have lost their original spirituality. Afrikan people also need to understand that in the B.C. era, ALL the Gods were Black; now in the A.D. era, All the Gods are White.
This represents European religious power-control supremacy at its zenith. Now is the time in this 21st millennium for Afrikans on the Continent and in the Diaspora to retrieve, recapture, relocate, reclaim, reconnect, reorient and re-enact their original spirituality on a daily basis 24-7-365 as the most potent weapon in their armory to survive and empower themselves. Nothing else will do.
Shem Hotep ("I go in peace")
Dr Kwame
The Truth about Cooked Food - Written by Ka-sebai-Ba
Truth about Cooked foods.
Cooking renders food toxic! The toxicity of the deranged debris of cooking is confirmed by the doubling and tripling of white blood cells after eating a cooked food meal. The white blood cells are the first line of defense and are, collectively, popularly called "the immune system."
All cooking quickly generates mutagens and carcinogens in foods. (this why many of you die from Cancer)
Proteins begin coagulating and deaminating at temperatures commonly applied in cooking, and are devoid of nutritive value.
Vitamins are rather quickly destroyed by cooking.
Minerals quickly lose their organic context and are returned to their native state as they occur in soil, sea water and rocks, metals and so on. In such a state they are unusable and the body often shunts them aside where they may combine with saturated fats and cholesterol in the circulatory system, thus clogging it up with cement-like plaque.
Heated fats are especially damaging because they are altered to form acroleins, free radicals and other mutagens and carcinogens as confirmed in, "Diet, Nutrition and Cancer."
Thus you can see that dead foods make dull, diseased and sooner dead people.
This is the truth of the matter, now stop being shocked when you find out your family memeber or close friend has cancer, or heart disease. NO it is not the most high punishing them, or allow it to happen to them, no it is not your fate, rather it is self harm, rather it is miseducation, wrong information, and BAD habbits, we are killing ourselfs, we are meant to live for up to 150 years with ease, but instead we die young, WHY ?? well now you know why, its all about what we have been eating. Its all about how we have been eating. Its Time for a transition, a transfiguration.
The sad thing is, even with this information, most of us will just ignore and continue on, because we jsut dont care enough, or because we think hmm i have been fine up until now (even though you have been sick many times with stomach aches, vomitting, bad colds, fevers, food poisening, Heart burn etc) we still think, hmm its all good, some of us are so sad to be-lie-eve that if we pray over poisen we will still be ok, (Fools) but what can you do, this is what you call The Matrix, this is what you call a SPELL, and being spell bound.
release these demons that are on you, controlling your thoughts. How do you know its control, well simply put. If you can see and identify something that is killing you, but yet you continue to do it regardless, that means you are undercontrol in other words Mental illness.
Wake Up
Hotep. (things that make you go, hmmmm)
The Transistion process - Written by Ka-Sebai-Ba
Here's how the diet transition process works:
First we define our goals as clearly as possible. Then we begin a process of self-education, setting our sights on the truth about nutrition, health and life, reading (goods book to get are, African Holistic health by Dr afrika, Heal thyself by Queen Afua), observing, asking questions, taking nothing at face value; we prove our own truths and question our own perceptions.
We incorporate more and more fresh foods into our diet, selecting those which taste and harmonize best with our system. We develop a satisfying eating style which follows food combining guidelines for proper digestion, supports balanced energy, peak productivity and physical rejuvenation. All the while we reflect on how our body is responding, using the feedback to refine our eating style.
The transition process becomes more successful as we increase our awareness about our whole mind-body process and cultivate a "let-it-flow" attitude which loosens our attachment to past unhealthful habits.
Do you desire to make a transition to a more natural diet? Does that make sense intellectually and emotionally? Perhaps you have some doubts or fears. Go into a Self-educate process. Your process may be enhanced by obtaining guidance from experienced health professionals who know the dynamics of the transition process and who "walk the talk."
Dietary transition is an unfolding process which can be a wonderful odyssey which lifts your quality of life in ways you never thought possible. For it to be successful, we need to start with the basics. I recommend studying the "African Holistic health" , and reading as many books based on it as you can.
Happy Eating,
Why I want to start eating Raw food - Written by Ka-Sebai-Ba
The great change came over the life of humans on this planet when we discovered fire and began experimenting with cooking our food. Let's use our best sense: no other creature on the planet cooks or tampers with its food in any way. Here is an experiment: Let's feed a tribe of gorillas coffee and donuts for a few generations and let's see what happens! Because cooked food is part and parcel to civilization we have been trained never to question it.
What constitutes the basis of human nourishment? Is it pills and supplements coming out of the roaring jaws of factories? Is it the flesh of animals being churned out by factory farms? Is it the milk of cows which was intended for baby calves? Is it cooked and processed food?
The basis of human nourishment is obvious: it is RAW PLANT FOOD which is presented to us in abundance in nature. All this talk about this diet or that diet or "natural" this or "natural" that is all nonsensical. There is only one normal diet, and we need to be on it.. that is a raw-food based diet.
Going raw recreates you in your original form. Eating raw transforms you back into an intuitive natural creature ‹ it returns to you lost powers you once had. Eating raw plant food radically naturalizes you and puts one back in touch with the material and spiritual flow of life (Ankh). Because of this effect, eating raw grounds you in the natural world and also provides you with more awareness of the spiritual world which is the mirror image of the natural world.
We are a work of art in progress. Each meal is a cloud or a tree or a flower a piece of the painting that we are becoming. Every bite of food we put in our body should be adding to our perfection, to our beauty. You are what you eat is a cosmic law. It is known in every culture and throughout every civilization throughout history.
Every person knows that saying. Give your body the highest quality food possible. Eat organic and homegrown food.
Its a challenge, and yes we are already addicted (yes ADDICTED) to a certain way of eating, and certain food products, its time to use mind over the matter, to get back into a right way of living, stop eating to die, and start eating to live.
Should We Eat Living Foods or Dead Foods?
Why should this question arise?
Because the peoples of this world suffer grievously from widespread disease. Recent research has revealed that the quality of nutrients we put into out bodies determines the quality of our lives. We are all aware that engines perform well or poorly, depending upon the quality of the fuel used. Few of us realize that food quality directly determines our physical and mental performance abilities.
I frequently receive phone calls that go like this: Is it okay to eat corn? Potatoes? Oats? Bread? Prepared cereals? Beans? Tofu? And many other substances which must be cooked in order to be eaten.
When I facetiously say that it's not okay by me, I get the inevitable "why?" Then I tell them we are all our brothers' keepers and if you lose your health, it's an imposition upon me and millions of other people whose lives your condition directly and indirectly affects.
What questioners really meant was why aren't these foods okay? I must then tell them of the many evils and curses that result from the eating of foods that have been heat deranged I tell them: "If you can't relish It in the fresh raw state, you shouldn't be eating It at all." To save myself a lot of emails and communications, I will, spell out many of the salient reasons why "dead" foods should never enter the human mouth.
The First thing I do with bloggers, and writiers is present the benefits of the living food enormous diet. For instance I might say:
Live food eaters feel better and are often in a state of euphoria.
Live food eaters have more energy and stamina.
Then I get the inevitable "why" which is a way of saying "prove it."
I respond: "Just bear with me." I proceed to heighten their curiosity with further statements like:
Those who subsist on living foods are better rested and better slept in less time.
Those who eat most living foods are more alert, think clearer, sharper and more logically.
Those who undertake the eating of live foods, especially in conjunction with an exercise regime, experience drastic weight loss. This is great for those people who need to lose weight.
Going on a living food diet sets of body cleansing which, at times, can be very intense. Body detoxification may entail some unpleasant symptoms.
Those who rely upon living foods become more active and precise in their motions and actions as well as their thoughts. Hence they perform much better and with more competence.
Living food eaters are less subject to stresses and nervous tensions than conventional eaters. Moreover, if an exercise regime of 15 to 30 minutes a day is followed, they are even less subject to stress.
Best of all, live food eaters become virtually sickness-free!
Of course a great deal of skepticism is often expressed- -after all, they need dispensation as well as justification for their love affairs with pizza, bread, potatoes and so on.
They may even tell me that this is all just anecdotal, that is, just like old wives tales.
I then tell them: "Why not try it yourself and experience the wonderful results. Then you can tell your own experiences anecdotally just as you are now anecdotally expressing your skepticism." Then I proceed to start putting the clinchers on my case as follows:
In nature all animals eat living foods as yielded up by nature. Only humans cook their foods and only humans suffer widespread sicknesses and ailments.
Only humans regularly and consistently suffer premature death. Natural death in humans is so rare that it isn't even listed as a cause of death in our almanacs or statistics.
Then the question often arises: "What's so terrible about cooking foods? Everybody does it."
To which I respond: "Just about everybody has cavities, poor eyesight that requires glasses, colds and other sicknesses, don't they?" Then I answer further with some statements and citations that are obviously true:
Cooking is a process of food destruction from the moment heat is applied to the foodstuff. Long before dry ashes result, food values are totally destroyed. If you put your hand for just a moment into boiling water, or on a hot stove, that should forever persuade you just how destructive temperatures for perhaps half an hour or more are! What was living substance becomes totally dead very rapidly with exposure to heat!
Proteins begin coagulating and delaminating, as may be plainly seen in the case of eggs and cheese when their temperature reaches only 118 degrees. At temperatures commonly applied in cooking, they are completely devoid of nutritive values. Worse yet...
Cooked proteins are readily putrefied by bacteria in the digestive tract and give rise to some very potent poisons such as ptomaine's, leukomaines, mercaptans, indoles, skatoles, ammonias, hydrogen sulfide, putrescine, cadaverine and yet more. These are absorbed into the portal blood and cause myriad's of disease conditions.
Cooking renders foods toxic! The toxicity of the deranged debris of cooking is confirmed by the doubling and tripling of the white blood cells after the eating of a cooked food meal. The white blood cells are a first line of defense and are, collectively, popularly called "the immune system."
As confirmed by hundred of researches cited in the prestigious National Academy of Science's National Research Council's book, "Diet, Nutrition and Cancer," all cooking quickly generates mutagens and carcinogens in foods. When you eat cooked carbohydrates, proteins and fats you are eating numerous mutagenic (carcinogenic) products caused by cooking.
Vitamins are rather quickly destroyed by cooking.
Minerals quickly lose their organic context and are returned to their native state as they occur in soil, sea water, rocks, metals and so on. In such a state they are unusable and the body often shunts them aside where they may combine with saturated fats and cholesterol in the circulatory system, thus clogging it up with their cement-like plaque. Over 90% of Americans have plaque in their arteries! Worse yet, inorganic minerals are highly toxic. As an example we know iodine to be an essential nutrient. Yet, in its inorganic state, it bears the skull and crossbones. Take iron as an example. Essential as it is, if taken in the inorganic state it causes hepatitis and hemochromatosis.
Heated fats are especially damaging because they are altered to form acroleins, free radicals, other mutagens and carcinogens as confirmed in the aforementioned publication, "Diet, Nutrition and Cancer. "
Cooked foods not only take longer to digest but often prove to be indigestible and unassailable as in the case of heated proteins. Cooked foods quickly ferment and putrefy in the intestinal tract while living foods are almost totally absorbed before they're oxidized enough for yeast and bacterial ferments and putrefaction.
This evidenced by the fact that the average conventional eater has about two pounds of intestinal bacteria whereas living food eaters have only a few ounces. About 20% of the feces of cooked food eaters is dead bacteria whereas living food eaters give off only a fraction as much dead bacteria.
If you cook a potato and put it on the counter alongside a raw one, the raw potato will last for weeks and even sprout whereas the cooked potato will ferment in one or two days. This gives you some idea about what happens to cooked foods in the intestinal tract where fermentation and putrefaction that may take place in a day or two in the open occurs in an hour or two in the intestinal tract. Again, indigestion is an indication that fermentation and/or putrefaction is talking place.
When a registered dietitian took Harvey Diamond to task and in effect called him an ignoramus and liar he discombobulated and made her statements obviously wrong with a single question: "Lady, did you ever vomit?"
Thus you can see that dead foods make dull, diseased and sooner dead people.
You don't have to take my word for It! Get yourself some guinea pigs, white mice or white rats. What humans take years to exhibit, they manifest within weeks. Feed a control group their regular diet in a raw condition. Feed the other control group the same foods but cooked!
Better yet, you can go on a raw food or living foods diet and see the wonderful results enumerated herein for yourself! Of course you may have to go through discomforts when the body, with better foods, begins purifying itself.
I think this rather nicely sums up the most salient reasons why you should shun cooked foods--why you should, if you treasure health and happiness, eat only living foods!
Kaom wrtites - Hmm interesting, the choice is yours, if you truly wish to change your life for the better, why not start thinking about eating right ? i mean jeez, doesnt it make sense to eat right, you are what you eat after all, and it makes sense to eat living foods, not dead foods.
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Is it SON or SUN worship part 2 - written by anomalous ???...
Anomalous writes....
I have seen NUMEROUS sources that expose Christianity as nothing more than altered paganistic sun worship (anit-christ).
There are several key videos that make the case. . A very short and to the point one, has no publicized authorship, and appears to be very “underground.” Nonetheless, most of the information is factual and difficult to dispute.
It can be found here (26 minutes):
Secondly, Reginald Finley interviews a woman who wrote a book about this issue
(48 minutes):
Finally, the first video I saw on this topic is called “The Naked Truth”, and it lasts for about 2 hours. (see youtube)
You can watch all of those videos to understand the arguments and judge for YOURSELF, do not Be-lie-eve me.
To put it in a nutshell...
note: i say jesus and not Yeshua, or karast as these would be your originals, however, the plagiarised lie is what i am exposing as SUN worship, and jesus aka Jah-Zeus (jesus of your plagiarised bible), is whom i will be referring to...
1. Jesus is not a deity. He may or may not have been a real person.
2. The story of Jesus is plagiarized from other religions far more ancient than Christianity. This goes beyond Judaism. The bulk can be directly traced to Egyptian religion (CAT-Holistic worship) and worship of the sun god, Horus, who happens to share many important features with Jesus. These features are so identical, the issue cannot be due to coincidence. This is not to say that Horus is the only Pagan god with similar features, but he is one of the most identical to Jesus. Others might be Mithra, Krishna, Dionysus, Attis, or Zoroaster.
Armed with a few good search words, your studies may yield better and more abundant sources.
3. All of the story of Jesus is astrology. He dies on a cross. The sun in the winter solstice on
December 25 hangs in a constellation known as the crux. Then it is “born” after 3 days of seemingly hanging in the same spot and starts to set in a different place going further North each night. People were so fearful in the winter that the sun would not came back that they celebrated its return, and the end of the continual shortening of days. When it is born, the North star lines up with Orion’s belt, composed of three stars known as the “three kings”. In sum, this is all that the resurrection is. Nothing more. There was no real cross and no real dying savior. All of that was a template for other theological ideas, such as sin and salvation, to take root.
4. If Jesus WAS real, then it is highly likely that he was groomed to recycle myths from the past in order to become a tool of social control. In any event, the real or fictional Jesus was a tool of political control when he became historicized. Some scholars, I believe, may claim that Chrsitian gnosticism never intended for Jesus to be a real person and that the rituals and religious concepts of gnosticism were borrowed from other Pagan religions. I believe that the most plausible version is one in which religious gnostics made up the religion truly believing that it was something great, but that there was no real Jesus. Later, people like Paul (who never eyewitnessed Jesus) possibly either mistakenly thought Jesus was historical or concocted the historical Jesus. Being a skeptic, I’m not a fan of conspiracy theories. So once again, I would favor the church fathers mistakenly believing in a historical Jesus after years of the birth of non-historical Jesus Christian gnosticism.
Anomalous Ends...
Ka-Sebai-Ba writes....
Hmmm interesting points,, please comment, and continue this debate... hopefully there will be a part 3...
The Spell of Deception - written by KA-Sebai-BA
Deception involves concepts like propaganda, distraction and/or concealment. Fiction, while sometimes manipulative, is not a deception unless it is portrayed as partially truthful or as the whole truth.
In many cases it is difficult to distinguish deception from providing unintentionally wrong information. One of the reasons for this is that a person or an entire organization may be self-deceived.
Some religions promote extremist viewpoints and behaviours that are not physically or psychologically healthy for their followers. Many religions promote exclusivity to their faith, in which absolute adherence to the followers' faith of choice is required, and adherence to other religious beliefs is cause for dismissal from the faith of choice. This type of deception can act to limit human thought and cognition with the use of punishment and reward of their respective flocks and followers for not thinking alike with other minds.
Religious deception has been utilized by religious groups for thousands of years to punish and reward their flocks for limiting their own minds relative to the beliefs of others, and has promoted humans to engage in self-deceptive behaviours.
Do you still want to be a flock of sheeop or are you ready to be a leader... open your eyes, and kick decpetion in the butt..
your choice.
Is it SON or SUN worship (More for the Christians) written by KA-Sebai-BA
Malachi 4: 2 - 3 But unto you that fear my name shall the S-U-N (not son) of righteousness arise with healing in HIS (referring to the sun as a person lol) wings; and ye shall go forth and grow up as calves of a stall. the Sun of righteousness with healing in His wings, ya know.. jeez, must be another typo in the bible ... poor king james, and his pathetic attempt and copy of the anceint words about the creator, not OF the creator, but about the creator. (not the words of Yahweh, but words ABOUT Yahweh) Hence the first words in the bible say.. "In the begining, god created the heaven and the earth, and the earth was without form and void, and the spirit of god moved across the deep waters, and god said, let there be light...." (does this sound like the word of god, or a story about god?)and not... In the begining I created the heavens and I made the earth, and when I saw the earth, it was without form or void, and MY spirit moved across the deep waters, and I said, Let there be light, and behold there was light. (does this sound like the word of god or a story about god?)
Now which statement is in the worlds number 1 selling book ? yh you guessed it,!!!
You see the blaintent difference.. that we over look as usual. Its a an account about the creator, stolen from many different ancient aspects of this creator, not an account of the actual words of the creator. (yh stolen and shared, then mixed up, jumbled, and watered down, into a form of control, and domination, controlling the lives of others, what power, knowledge is power they say, and when you have ppl’s souls, you can make them believe anything. Its funny, no matter how much evidence a person can put in an individuals face, they wont ever think out side of that what they have been controlled to believe.
The lack of knowledge means ppl can control your mind, that’s dangerous. Its like me telling you, that if you continue to eat poison you will eventually die, and then you telling me, no I won’t die, my family have been eating it for generations, and this is the food we believe to be good for us, but because your trapped in that way of thinking, you just continue killing yourself. In this sense, what your killing is your mind, and inner being, and the connection to what’s real.) – but we cant let go, its too scary to let go, we don’t have faith in ourselves, anymore, cos we are trained to have faith out side of ourselves, so once someone shakes the foundations a little, and show you its all madness, you become confused, not knowing left from right, not knowing what to trust, when the answer has always been you, and the power within.)
If it was the words of the creator, there wouldnt be so many stupid mistakes, and it would be written in the first person, using words like, I made this, i made that. not using words like... and god said, this, and that. .. i mean come on. i say we review the church statement of faith, we need to edit out the bit about, the king james bible being the infallable word of god. cos to hold your right arm up and declare you believe that, is condemnation to your own intellect, and being, and a slap in the face to the most high. (thats my own personal opinion)
Time to stop living as a sun of A-man (caucasian man at that) lol and start trying to live this truely life seeking, heart aching, hard working, Knowledge finding, wisdom gaining, life as a true SON, Daughter of the most high, EL.
A Msg to the Christians - Written by KA-Sebai-BA
Truth is in You – Luke 17:20
Christ came to reveal the Father and to show us how to become one with the Father. This is the central theme of the One True Religion, becoming One with God! Now let's notice the following important concept, which is introduced in the Gospel of John.
Notice that there is no difference between truly knowing Christ and truly knowing God the Father.
Now follow the logic with me. If Christ, before he became human, was the Word, which was also God, then anyone before the birth of Christ that worshiped the One True God was in effect worshipping Christ.
I want to point out something that is very important as it applies to Hinduism. Part of the sacred scripture in Hinduism is called the Vedas. Please notice this ancient scripture from the Vedas.
These are the very words of Veda. Prajapatir vai idam asit: In the beginning was Brahman. Tasya vag dvitya asit; with whom was the Vak or the Word... Vag vai paramam Brahma; and the word is Brahman."
Vak or Word was understood by the ancient Hindus to be the Sound which brought all things into existence - the Sound or Word - the primordial emanation of God expressing and clothing the creative Thought. Astonishingly, we see a marked similarity between John's opening verses and that of the Vedas.
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Between 500 to 100 B. C., the doctrines of Hinduism were given their most exalted form in the Upanishads, which gave rise to the Brahmanic religion. We find the oldest doctrine of the Trinity embedded in ancient Brahmanism - the triad of Brahma (Father), Vishnu (Word) and Shiva (Power). These correspond to the later Western Christian concept of Father, Son and Holy Spirit as taught by the Church Fathers.
In the Bhagavad Gita, circa 500 B. C. to 250 B. C., we find perhaps the earliest doctrine of the divine incarnation. In this text the figure of Krishna is considered to be an incarnation of Vishnu, the Son of God, the second Person of the Supreme Trinity. Krishna was the eighth incarnation of Vishnu and it was understood that the Word of God, Vishnu, would incarnate on earth a number of times in every age and epoch for the salvation of humanity
Remember Jesus said, "If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well." Remember the Vedic verse: Prajapatir vai idam asit: In the beginning was Brahman. Tasya vag dvitya asit; with whom was the Vak or the Word... Vag vai paramam Brahma; and the word is Brahman."
So if Brahman and the Word are equal, (Christ is one with the Father,) then when Buddha became one with Brahma (God the Father) he also became one with Christ!
The One True Religion is about our relationship with God and our Journey to join with God (Brahman). In Hinduism it's called Yoga, (Union with Brahma), In Buddhism it is called achieving Buddhahood or Nirvana (merging with the Infinite Bliss), and in Christianity it is called becoming One with the Father through Christ, (Being saved.)
A Random Thought - Written by KA-Sebai-BA
Hmm looking at life… it seems that everyone lives bound by their own knowledge and awareness, or by those implanted into their minds by others.
But knowledge and awareness are vague and perhaps better called illusions (as they come in many different forms sizes and shapes).
It seems at times that everyone lives within their own subjective interpretations, of what they feel and think life and truth is, and in some extreme scenarios, try to enforce that interpretation onto others, be it by guilt tactics, fear tactics, or love tactics.
Hmm anyway…
English etymologies - Written by KA-Sebai-BA
There are revealing etymologies of English words, often at odds with scholarly consensus.
believe - be-lie-eve: to lie to Eve's children.
caucasian - from “Carcass-Asian” meaning “Degenerated Asian”
dyslexia - from the Greek “dys” (hard, difficult or against) and the Latin “lexia” (law), meaning “to go against the law” in other words, read words backwards, or read words in ways your not taught to read them.
Earth - derived from the word “Eridu”
extraterrestrials - “extra-terra-astrals” in other word, celestrial beings, messengers, angels etc.
god - from the Hebrew letters Gomar, Oz, Dubar, signifying “wisdom - strength - beauty” (this is the GOD word in freemasonary, used to signify, dominion, strength, wisdom and beauty, this is the god word portrayed in front of those who lack true knowledge, this is the GOD word used in biblical texts, which have replaced names such as Eloheem, Adonai, Yahweh, El, and so on, to keep the minds locked in mass confusion. This word comes from reversing the letters of “dog” also.
gospel - comes from the words “ghost spell” ghost worship, erroneously, changed from the Holy
spirit ( ausar or ka), to the holy ghost
honkie “It was against the law for Europeans to have sex with ‘blacks.’ According to the Act of 1705 AD, which states in part: ‘…whatsoever white man or woman being free shall intermarry with a Negro shall be committed to prison for six months without bail, and pay 10 pounds to the use of the parish. Ministers marrying such persons shall pay 10,000 pounds of tobacco.’ At the time, certain European men that wanted to disobey the law would come into black neighborhoods and honk their horns. Back then car horns made a honk sound, not a beep sound. Thus, the black neighbors would say, ‘the honkies are here,’ in reference to the European men who would pay the ‘black women’ to have sex with them.”
human - from “hu” (creative force of will) and “mane” (spirit of the dead)
Jesus - a combination of the words “Jah” and “Zeus” (Jah = Jehovah, Zeus = Greek deity, so in other words, Jehovah is zeus a greek deity = Jesus)
lord - from “Lar” the name of a black-haired species of Apeman
monks - a shortened version of “head monkeys” or “spiritual monkeys”
planet - “plan E.T.”
television - “tell lie vision”
U.S.A. - from the Egyptian word “usa” meaning “eye - hence the eye on the dollar bill, and the fact the USA has an eye on every nation in the world, and has its claws on them also.
These are just a drop in the ocean of many etymologies, its fun to know em, but even more so, important to know them, so that you can finally take that one small step out of confusion, so that you can be ready top take that one giant leap, into Reality.
Hotep : )
Important Msg from the Karast in me to you - Written by The True YOU
Special Note, for those who don’t know: "Sananda" is the evolved name of Yeshua the Karast. When Yeshua ascended from the earth plane, He was given the new Spiritual title of Sananda (his universal name).This means "He who has ascended." The term "ascended" in this context related to His overcoming all obsticles and challenges that He HimSelf needed to in order to evolve to a finer version of HimSelf, (reaching the Crown Chakra aka Arit), spiritual oneness with the most high (hence...i and the father are 1), certian words such as El, Amen Ra, Eloheem will be used, as this is what you have come to understand as your creators name, however let it be known that your Creators name is hidden (which is what Amen means), no man on earth knows the true name of the creator, as the creator has no literal name, for who named him/her and for what purpose and in what language?, however to make things easier for you, i will quote names such as the most high, EL, Amen Ra etc.
Written in November 14, 2008
Let us begin with who I Am. I am the one called Sananda, erroneously known as “Jesus the Christ.” I have contacted you in an effort to clear up some of the misunderstandings that are so prevalent on the earth star planet at this time. My wishes are that each who reads this has the discernment and the desire to follow through with their own paths in life. I am in no way trying to force feed any of you a belief system, nor am I trying to sway your way of thinking about how you perceive the world you live in.
I am the One and the Only. Many have come forth claiming to be Me and many have come forth claiming that they follow me. That is a falsehood. Now there has been a great many people with whom I have had contact with in the past, many more are yet to come.
So many wish for My presence upon earth. You have it, in everyone, in everything that resonates to the pure true Christed Light that flows through every fabric of your being (the electrical you, your spirit). Misinformation is coming in the form of deception and the intervention of energy forms through the use of telepathy (television, programming, satelites, radio waves). This is mainly due to the fact that many amongst you have forgotten the simple ways of checking your sources of information. Now there is great misinformation coming to you in a variety of different forms, through your internet, through word of mouth and through the teachings of your bible and religions.
Have you not yet realized that the words of My Father and the words that I spoke so many of your earth years ago were spoken to rekindle the memories that lay dormant in your minds, your Souls and your hearts? These words that We have spoken were sent as a helpful way of teaching you that which you have forgotten. Nothing more and nothing less. Many years ago those of the dark forces that call themselves the Illuminati, fostered an idea to coerce your way of thinking.
I must admit it was brilliant in design and has worked almost flawlessly on their part. Through the use of religions, My Word and the Word of My Father, has been twisted and manipulated to cause great fear and doubt in most who read it. Most all that is in your bibles, Koran, Torah's has been changed from its original text in order to control you, the populace of the earth star planet. Yes, I did indeed walk upon the planet many years ago; I have been there many times since and many times before, Just the same as most all of you who are reading My Words here. (think about that for a minute)
I am not now, nor will I be visiting the planet before the shifting of consciousness is complete. There have been rumors stating that this Second Coming of Mine will be happening on or about this day, and that day. Now there are many who believe this to be true, I can assure you, it is not. Those amongst you who already know the truth, I implore you to speak it. The Second Coming is a man made, man creation. What each of you is waiting for is ironically yourselves.
Do you not yet realize that you each were made in My image, in My Fathers image. That each of you is “The annotinted ones.” I am the Instrument of My Father’s Will. Your bibles,Torah's Koran's are filled with misrepresentations of My Acts and My Deeds. For far too long those amongst your populace who are from a dying race of beings, have used My Words and manipulated them, just as they have My Father’s and all who were chosen to represent Him on His planet.
Now let Me address an important issue that has so many of you questioning the information you are receiving, versus that which you have been taught since early childhood. There is to be a Second Coming; a Second Coming of the Karast Consciousness. This Consciousness is within each and every one of you, it always has been. It is only the programming that has been foisted upon you by those who do control your Medias and your religions that keep you from remembering that which you have always known. The Second Coming is simply this, the coming of the Karast Consciousness into the humans that inhabit the planet earth, yes i am sure you have been noticing that people have been slowly awakening all over the globe, we are slowly coming intot he realisation that there is a massive deception over the world, and that the truth is within you.
The Second Coming has been twisted by many different points of view. When you all realize and you will, some sooner than later, all that you truly are and where you each come from, these memories will reunite you in ways that are somehow unimaginable to most everyone.
You are all of My Fathers loin’s, your being is Himself in thought and action. Everything you experience He experiences. Every thought you have is you working in complete harmony with My Father to Create the world as you would have it. There is not now, nor will there be in the future a Second Coming of Myself in person. As I have stated many times before, I have been where you are, I have walked the same paths as you and learned most all the same lessons as you have. These lessons and experiences are necessary for the evolvement of each of you as your Soul and as an expression of Amen Ra, El, Anu, aka the Most High. You each knew this would not be an easy task, yet none of you questioned it. You all joined whole heartedly at the chance to experience life in a third dimensional world, at the risk of sacrficing your eternal memory, you fell from grace into skin in order to taste, to touch, to see, to feel and to express yourself as the most high in human form.
The road has not been easy for many of you. Many amongst you have been caught up in the web of lies and deceit that have been fostered by those dark forces, those same ones whose intent is to enslave you and use you for their own betterment. There will come a time when all this will be revealed to you.
There will be a time in the near future when all will have a chance to remove the veils of illusion that have been cast upon them, either by those who seek to enslave you, or the veil that has been placed on you by your own Soul contracts, which you must fulfill before all your memories would return. What would you learn if you had remembrances of all that is coming? Would you not step in your own way to change the outcome, thereby foregoing the lessons at hand?
The Second Coming that you so eagerly await is merely yourselves, yourselves remembering that you are the Christed energy. When this time comes and it will, you will be catapulted into the higher dimensions, sharing all that you have learned and experienced with those who are your families, your brothers and sisters from amongst the stars.
These misrepresentations of the true word of Amen and all His chosen scribes has come about due to your lack of awareness, your lack of confidence in you yourself as a Eloheem in material form. This bastardization of Our words came about through the use of religions.
Religion is another man-made creation. From the beginning of the time of the time of man, the Christed Energy has flowed through each and every one of you. When the plans were made to Create the human race, each one of you represented EL and are perfect in every way. The Presence of EL flowed through your veins, through every aspect of your being. There never was a time when you were left alone.
My Presence upon the earth was and still is to be a reminder to you all to live your lives to the best of your abilities, while keeping in mind that each of you are the Most High in physical form. I am teaching you by example, each of you must make your own choices. When I walked among you in the past there was then and still is, a great lack of awareness existing in yourselves. This too must be changed in order for you to evolve. Let no one tell you that you are not a magnificent being. You and you alone make the changes that shape the world you are in.
From here on forward the world as you know it will be ever-changing (Chaos) at an ever accelerated pace. Flowing with it will be much easier than it seems. There will be times when what you hear, read or see will not make sense. It is at these times you must focus on the intuitions that have led you this far down the path called “life”.
These intuitions are part of your fail-safe measures that were programmed into your minds, to direct you on the right path, on the path of MA-AT Truth and justice, universal balance. There will be a great many entities that will try to dissuade you from the truth.
You must not fall for these charades. Personal responsibility is called for here. You cannot be led like sheep to the slaughter if you know the truth. Teach everyone who will listen, of the wonders and beauties that lie before them. Let no one be left behind. Those among you who believe that all there is to life is self gratification, then that is all you will have. The true meaning to life is service to self and service to others, to love yourselves and to see that each of you are mirroring the Creator. (As above so below)
Many are awaiting the arrival of ships from the skies, a dramatic entrance into your atmosphere to show that you are not alone. You are not now, nor have you ever been alone; it is merely your intellects that make you believe so. No the ships will not be coming in force, there will be occasional sightings. Imagine if you would for a second the chaos and mayhem that would ensue if a mother ship dropped in from the sky. Would this not cause panic and commotion just as in your “Independence Day” movie?
There is a time and a place for everything, what you desire the most may not always be in your best interests. The road less traveled is filled with obstacles and is paved with opportunities. Those who earnestly seek it shall have it, those who do not; will have their chance in the future. Do not think that you are on your own, as I have stated before, you never have been, nor will you ever be. Every word every thought is heard, every one of your prayers for assistance has been heard. This is your life experience; you were the one who chose it, you are the one who is listening to your physical "matter" self.
So many of you desire to know about “first contact” and when it will transpire. I find it interesting you seek that which has already occurred. Throughout earth’s history recorded in the texts of the day, even your bible speaks of visitations from those who are not human, those from the skies. Your Indian lore is filled with them. Then we were known as the “Bird Tribes,” today we are known as “aliens.” We have been contacting the people of earth from its inception, where do you think you came from? Your big bang theories and your evolving from apes are preposterous, do not see these as facts, but rather metaphors.
You are us, we are you. You are a race of beings that was Created for greatness. You are destined to join all your relations amongst the stars. The time of the Second Coming has been long awaited by all of us. This is the time of the re-joining. The people of this planet have been in the dark for far too long. Awaken and remember, remember your heritages. It is time to sing your song, sing the song of life as only you can. Cherish each moment, cherish each other.
The future is bright for those who choose to see it. Those who choose to live “in the moment” will share the feasts that have been laid out before them. The feast that is your reward for a life well lived. The future is dependant upon the present. The future is not contingent upon the past. The future is what you make of it, because the fufture does not exisit, all that is real is Now, the past is a memory, the future never comes, all there is is now, and what ever you want your "future" to be is what ever you make of Now, therefore Your future awaits you. Do not let yourself get in the way of your true destiny. So it is written.
Just Rememeber...
Life is a journey of self discovery, until such time that the individuals, not only discovers themselves, but comes to peace with themselves, they cannot understand the greater realities.
In loving remembrances of yourself,
Sananda aka Karast aka YOU
An Old school debate
(its long, but VERY good read) - Enjoy
J.B. Stoner, the Archleader and Imperial Wizard of the Christian Knights of the Ku Klux Klan addressed a letter to a gathering of Muslims in Convention in Chicago during February 1957.
1 Thessalonians 2:14-16 St. John 8:44-48
Archleader, J.B. Stoner, P.O. Box 48
Imperial Wizard Atlanta, Ga.
Repent of Mohammedanism or burn in hell forever, throughout eternity.
"The Lord Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God and He is the only One Who can save your infidelic souls and lead you into Heaven. Read the Holy Bible. St. John 6:35 -- "And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life. He that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst." St. John 6:47 -- "Verily, verily, I say unto you. He that believeth on me hath everlasting life" St. John 8:12 -- "Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world; he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." Acts 16:31 -- "And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved and thy house." Acts 4:12 -- "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven, whereby we must be saved." Therefore, Muhammad can do you no good.
"It does not surprise me to hear that Islam is growing among the Africans of America. It is easy to understand because Islam is a nigger religion. It has only been successful among Africans and mix-breeds and never among the white people never. As you probably know, Christianity was well established throughout North Africa by white people before Mohammed was born. As time went on more and more people in North Africa became mongrelized with African blood. Therefore, they were no longer able or willing to stand up and fight for Christianity when persecution came upon them from Arabia. Their faith in Christ was shallow and weak. Then came the bloody Islamic conquerors from Arabia who slaughtered white Christian leaders but spared the black people and mix-breeds. The Africans quickly forgot Christ, the true religion, and became Mohammedans. Some scholars have wondered why, but not me. I know why. Islam is a product of the colored race. Islam is a dark religion for dark people. I don't know why Africans would support Islam for any other reason except of race. There are several reasons why niggers should oppose it. One reason is that the Qur-an forbids Muslims to drink intoxicating drinks, whereas most niggers like to get drunk. It says also that thieves should have their hands cut off. How many niggers would be left with hands?
Christianity, the one and only true religion, has only been successful in white nations among white people, as recognized in the literature of the Christian Party. Christianity prevails in every white nation, even when outlawed, but does not appear to have roots in any colored nation that could withstand tribulation. Therefore on a racial group basis, it would appear that only the superior white race is capable of appreciating Christianity and that the dark inferior races prefer a heathen religion like Islam. Therefore, it is obvious that we Christians should work hard to preserve the great white race. Not only will we benefit; missionary work and be instrumental in saving the individual souls of millions of colored people in spite of their racial weakness and racial inferiority. We white Christians love the souls of all men, with all due respect to the racial differences that God Himself created. If GOD had only wanted one race, He would have created one race.
"To every place it has spread, Islam has been a blight and brought darkness. Islam's armies conquered much of Asia and Africa and even of Europe and caused darkness in every country that it entered and it decayed their civilizations that the great white race had built.
"Muslims, in their efforts to conquer the world, occupied most of Spain and even invaded ancient France. Fortunately, there was a great white Christian leader, Charles Martel. He saved Civilization and the white race by defeating the Mohammedans at the Battle of Tours in the year of our Lord 732 thus stopping the Islamic invasion of Europe. Later the Islamic Turks invaded white Christian Europe from the East. The Turks, under Suleiman the Magnificent, got as far into the heart of Europe as the gates of Vienna before they were stopped in 1529 A.D. In 1683 A.D., during the reign of Mohammed IV, they besieged Vienna again, but were soundly defeated by the great King John Sobieski in Poland, the hero of white Christiandom and perserver of civilization.
"One of the main purposes of Mohammedan invasion of white Europe was to capture white women. Only white women are beautiful. When ruling over white sections of Europe, part of the tribute required of the conquered people was the regular giving of beautiful white women to the Muslims as slaves. They didn't like their own dark women. The African race has never produced a beautiful woman so the Muslims were naturally not satisfied with their own black women. If the Africans were as good as whites, they would be happy with their own women instead of lusting for our white women. Your desire for white women is an admission of your own racial inferiority. One reason why we whites will never accept you into our white society is because a nigger's chief ambition in life is to sleep with a white woman thereby polluting her. Every time a demented white woman marries a nigger, your newspapers brag about the sin. The day will come when no nigger will be allowed to even look at a white woman or a white woman's picture. That will be a sad day for the men of your race who have no respect for their own women won=t it? For your information, nigger is the Latin word for black, so why are you ashamed of it?
"Yes, Africans in America are ashamed of their own race. They regret that they are what they are. As proof, look at the nigger newspaper that advertise skin whiteners, and so-called hair straighteners. If blacks are as good as whites why aren't they proud of their black skins and the kinky wool on top of their heads? If you aren't ashamed of your race, why don't you strive to keep it pure and preserve it and its characteristics.
"You blacks have a lower opinion of your own race than we whites have. You hate, yes hate your own African race so much that you want to destroy it by mixing your blood with white blood. You want white blood pumped into your race because you think white blood is better and will improve you and make you less negroid, less African. You are trying to forget your heritage and your race by associating with your white superiors.
"If you were as good as whites and equal to us, you would not be trying to force yourselves into white society. You would be happy with the company of your fellow Africans. Or, is the odor too much for you? Since you niggers don't respect your own race and don't love your race enough to preserve it, how can you expect white people to respect it? I have more respect for an African who believes in Black Supremacy and racial purity than I do for an African who hates his own race and tries vainly to disown it. I admire the African who says that no white man is good enough to shake hands with him.
"I hope you will appreciate the fact that I am not a hypocrite like some Yankees who preach race-mixing and practice segregation. I actually express the sentiments and feelings that are in the hearts of most white people everywhere when I tell you that I believe in white supremacy and the inferiority of all dark races.
"Why should we whites let Africans infiltrate our civilization when Africans have never been able to build or maintain a civilization of their own? You Africans are afraid to do it alone. You are afraid that you would get lost without the white man to guide you and help you. Yet with your mania for mongrelization, you are trying to destroy the white race that has given you civilization on a silver platter. You are striving to kill the white goose that laid the golden egg of civilization. If you succeed, you will not be able to get more golden eggs because the white goose will be dead.
"A new independent African nation will be born in a few days on March 6th, 1957. Now known as the rich Gold Coast, it will become known as Ghana. Blacks will run it from top to bottom. Do you think they are capable of success or does their black blood doom them to their failure? The black Prime Minister graduated from Lincoln University here in America. Many of Ghana officials have studied in America. English is a common language in Ghana. If the Africans had self-respect and ability, they would go to Ghana in Africa and prove their racial ability by helping to build a great African nation. They won't go because they have no confidence in themselves.
"They know that their race is a lower form of humanity and cannot stand on its own feet. The Africans of America are afraid to be without the white man, and thus, admit their own inferiority.
"The British West Indies that lie off the coast of the United States will also become a new independent black nation soon. They speak English there. However, American's black people won't even go that short distance to help build a black nation because there won=t be enough whites to control them and lead them around. The Africans of America are convinced that they would perish without the white race to help and protect them. Blacks even claim that white teachers are superior to black teachers. Inferiors always demand the right to associate with their superiors. When the black man cries against segregation, he is actually singing praises to the white race.
They never intended for America to fall into the possession of a dark race. Many of the founders of this nation owned blacks as slaves, such as Washington, Jefferson, and the great Patrick Henry who said: "Give me liberty or give me death."
America is a white Christian nation and no infedelic religion such as Islam, has a right to exist under the American sun. Your Islam, your Mohammedanism is not a white religion. Mohammedanism is a nigger religion. The white race will never accept it, so take it back to Africa with you. It is like the Holy Bible says about GOD'S plan for the nations of men in Acts 16:31 -- "And hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation." Therefore you have no place in America with your African race or your Islamic African religion.
"The Christian Party becomes stronger every day. When we are elected to power we will legally drive you out. Remember 1492 A.D. when those two great white Christian monarchs, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, expelled the Muslims from Spain. The Christian Party will be even more ruthless. We will not tolerate your infidelic Christ-hating religion on American soil. We will drive Islam into the ocean. America isn't big enough for the Christian Party and Black Islam, so Islam must go.
"You Muslims should be ashamed of yourselves for trying to lead the poor darkies of America into your Mohammedam hell. If they are smart, they will shun Mohammed and follow the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, into Heaven and a happy and everlasting life.
"Repent and confess the Lord Jesus Christ or you will burn in hell forever, you infidels. Your false religion is an insult to the true living GOD.
"May God have mercy upon your heathen souls.
"With many wishes for the failure of Islam in America, I am, Yours for Christ, Country and Race, (signed)
J.B. Stoner Archleader of the Christian Party
P.O. Box 48 Atlanta, Georgia
The Messenger works continuously on the problem of UNITING the "So-Called Negro" read HIS ANSWER to Mr. J. B Stoner on the following pages.
In Reply to "Christian Party" Archleader's Letter He tells Him "I am Afraid You Might Fall Backward Into a Lake of Fire When You Attempt to Drive Islam Into the Ocean"
(As Appeared in the Pittsburgh Courier)
In a letter sent to the Moslem Convention which was held recently in Chicago, Mr. J. B. Stoner, archleader of the "Christian Party," of Atlanta Georgia, had made a number of strong attacks on Islam and its followers in the United States. The following is a reply to Mr. Stoner's letter, sent to him a few days ago by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, leader of thousands of Moslems in the U.S.A.
"The only so-called Negroes who love you (the whites) and desire you are those who are ignorant of the knowledge of you (this you do not know). And as soon as they awaken, as they will, to the knowledge of you being the real devils (their open enemies), they too will not shake your hands, nor want to look at you or even your shadow. The Truth of you will make all black mankind hate you, regardless of their color -- black, brown, yellow or red. This Truth of you is part of that secret that was withheld by Allah, to allow you to live your Time (6000 years). (I admit that the so-called Negroes are not only ignorant of self and you but they are actually mentally dead). Your time is up and you are now being revealed, and you will by no means be able to hide yourself or deceive my people any longer.
Who is to blame for this mixing -- black Africans or the white European devils? Did the black Africans go seeking your white women in Europe or did you carry her to them in Africa? Isn't it true that black Africans are today asking your kind to leave them and their country, and that you won't leave without war? (They will one day throw you out!)
"How did the so-called Negroes get into America? Did they come here of their own desire for America and for your women, or did YOU go after them in their country and bring them here against their will?"
"Did your Negro slaves every try making sexual love with their slave-masters' wives and daughters while you held and still hold complete power over them? Which of your houses and families show that the black and white males have been, and are still visiting -- yours or the Negroes? We see you day and night after the so-called Negro women whistling and winking your eyes and blowing your car horns at them; making advances to every Negro woman that walks, rides, flies or works for you in your homes, offices and factories. Not in America alone but all over the earth wherever you go among the black, brown, yellow and red people, we see that you are after our women, whom you say to be "ugly." If your women are so beautiful why then do our "ugly" women attract you and your kind? You and your kind, according to history, have been after our women ever since being on our planet. We drove you out of Asia six thousand years ago, to keep you away from our women and from mixing your wicked blood in ours. We veiled and locked our women in, to keep your adulterous blue eyes from feasting on her beauty. And the only solution to this mixture of your devil blood in our homes is that Allah remove you completely off our Planet, also those of our own who love and desire mixing with you! This is the Resurrection and Separation of us all; little do you and the so-called Negroes know or believe it!
Your concern for the protection of your white women should have been prepared by your fathers, and self, by staying away from our women. YOUR race is still white, so what are you afraid of?
"I have been risen to raise my people here, and to help them into knowledge of self and their God Allah (who is in Person among them) and you their open enemies (the devils). Therefore, the so-called Negroes are your own product as far as teachings and training are concerned. If you have taught them (my people the so-called Negroes) the TRUTH why are you so afraid of them believing that which you didn't teach them?
"You said in your letter, "The Muslims should be ashamed of themselves for trying to lead the poor darkies of America into your Mohammedan hell." Have you the Christian Party, led the so-called Negroes into heaven? Wasn't John Hawkins (the slave trader) a member of your Christian Party (race)? He didn't sit them (the so-called Negroes) in heaven.
"The Muslims make the so-called Negroes who believe in Allah and his religion, Islam, equal in the brotherhood of our Nation. Have you done or are you doing it now: making the Christian believing Negroes your equal brothers? You say, "Confess the Lord Jesus Christ or you will burn in hell forever." That hell must not be so hot, that one can burn in it forever and never burn up.
"Isn't it true that your Christian Party lynches and burns your black Christian believers there in your own state (Georgia)? Have you ever seen or heard of us Muslims lynching and burning Negroes who believe or don't believe in Islam?
"You said we are Christ-hating'. You have used the name of Jesus for a bait to deceive the Negroes, while at the same time you are not a doer of the teachings of Jesus, nor of the Prophets before Jesus.
"Your Bible teaches against the doing of evil. It also warns you to do unto others as you would have done unto yourself, and to love thy brother as thyself. Not any of these teachings have you or your kind ever practiced. You do not care enough for a Negro Christian believer to call him your brother Christian. And you do not think of doing unto him as you would have done unto yourself. You beat and kill them (Negro Christian believers) day and night and bomb their churches, where in reality they worship YOU, not Jesus. You even burn your own Christian Sign (the Cross) when you plan to kill or burn your poor black Christian slaves.
"You acknowledge in your letter that >Islam was the Negroes' religion,' and that Christianity was a white peoples' religion.' Then why don't you leave the Negroes alone or help them get back to their OWN religion (Islam)? And why do you insult men and the whole Nation of Islam and threaten to drive us into the ocean for teaching the Negroes their own religion, since YOU won't dare teach it to them? You further say that America is a white Christian nation, that it was founded by white men for white men,' and that they (the founders) never intended for America to fall into the possession of a dark race. Just why then are you hindering the Negroes from going back to their OWN religion and people, especially since YOU are not going to divide this country with them and not going to treat them as your equal?
"Your Bible teaches that the 'Day' will come when every man will turn and go to his own. Did YOU originally own this part of our Planet? Aren't the red Indians the original owners, who are brothers of the dark Nation (of Islam) there is no part of our Planet that was ever given to the white race. The Planet belongs to US -- the Nation of Islam! And I am afraid that you might fall backwards into a lake of fire when you attempt to drive Islam into the ocean. If the Ocean is ours, so is the land that you claim to be yours. Your Bible teaches you that it belongs to us. You shall soon come to know.
You accuse the so-called Negroes, who are really members of the Holy Tribe of Shabazz, of being drunkards and thieves, and suggest that they should oppose Islam because it forbids Muslims to drink intoxicating drinks whereas most so-called Negroes (or as you said niggers) like to get drunk. Who makes the intoxicating drinks? Do YOU make it or do the so-called Negroes make it? And doesn't your Government legalize the sale of intoxicating drinks? Since you say that you are Christians and followers of Jesus, did Jesus teach and legalize the sale and drinking of strong drinks? And did you find that my people were thieves and drunkards in their Native Land four hundred years ago when they were kidnapped by John Hawkins and brought over here into slavery? And haven't YOU been their master and teacher ever since? The whatever they are today, YOU (the Christian race) made them that.
"You admit that Islam doesn't allow such evils but still you call Islam "infidelic'. The Christian religion permits every evil practice that is known to mankind and legalizes them. Such religion and people you call to be of Jesus!
"We know who YOU are, and who the so-called Negroes really are. The God of the Universe and the Right Religion are not asking you, nor thank you, for trying to tell us or our people (whom you call niggers) anything of God and His religion. When we get through opening the Negroes' eyes, you will take your hats off to them.
"Your letter is headed with 1 Thessalonians 3:14-16 and St. John 8:44-48. Why not 2 Thessalonians 2:3, 4, 7-12; also 1 Corinthians 10:21. All these as well as St. John 8:44 refer to you and your race as the real devils, who even killed Jesus and the Prophets before Him, and who persecute us who believe and preach go to hell with you for believing and following you and your own Bible to pick that which condemns your own self! I am real happy to have received such open confessions of your evil self, as I am doing all I can to make the Negroes see that you and your religion are their open enemies, and to prove to them that they will never be anything but your slaves and finally go to hell with you for believing and following YOU and YOUR KIND.
"I hope the world of black mankind will read your letter to me. For you have many of them fooled. Some Arab Muslims think that you (the whites) can be made Muslims, but not me unless you are really born again. And it is too late for a rebirth.
"I say all so-called Negroes should give up the white race's religion and come into their own (Nation of Islam). In Islam alone they will enjoy brotherly love, peace of mind and contentment.
I will admit the so-called Negroes educated and trained by you and your kind will never be able to maintain self-rule. But they are now reaching out for Allah and Islam, and for training from others of the OWN Nation who are and have been independent long before you were even created. We all know that you hold back the very key of knowledge that would make the so-called Negroes, that you school, from ever being capable of self-government. But they will get it in Islam. And when they have finished their courses, they won't even think of building a government on your basis. The world that you have built is nothing compared to that which Allah will build with your slaves (the so-called Negroes).
"You make it clear why you doubt Ghana's success in maintaining independence; because Ghana's Prime Minister graduated from one of your schools (Lincoln University) and because its your language (English) that is the common language in Ghana. But now they are studying their own, (Arabic), language, and soon they will return to their own religion (Islam).
"You said that if the Africans of America had self-respect and ability they would go to Ghana and help build a great African Nation. But not with your schooling! If you would stop interfering with those who are trying to qualify themselves for a return to their Native people and country, within a few years they all would leave you and your evil doings. But nay! You don't want them to leave your country. No! Not any more than Pharaoh wanted to see his slaves leave Egypt. But Allah is going to take yours as He took Pharaoh's slaves, believe it or not.
"You like to make fun of your slaves whom YOU have taught and trained. But they ARE your product.
"You make the so-called Negroes do for you everything that a real citizen does and yet you will not give them equal rights as a citizen. You make them fight to keep you free to rule them and their kind.
"They (so-called Negroes) pay equal taxes, but are paid the lowest wages. Even in your own state (Georgia) they aren't allowed to use your highway filling station's rest-rooms (but will be arrested if they are seen relieving themselves in public). They are not allowed to eat in your public eating places, though they may purchase the food and eat it on the outside. Yet when your country's future is at stake you tell them that this is their country and that they are citizens of it! You know that they are fools for believing what you say knowing that you have told them the same old false story many times and many of them believe you. But not me, or my followers.
"If there was any good in you (which there isn't) you would exempt all the so-called Negroes from paying taxes, since they are your free slaves. You don't intend to divide your 48 states with them, not even one state, nor the spoils of war that they so willingly help gain for you.
"The so-called Negroes do not demand anything from you, except that you stop killing them unjustly and give them equal justice under your laws as you do for yourself, and equal WAGES as you do for your kind and for the same labor. No, not land for themselves, nor instruments and money to go elsewhere which you have acquired from their labor, sweat and blood. No real civilized people would be asking for such small pay in return for four hundred years of free labor, free blood, life and for the use (misuse) of their women by you at your will -- only a foolish people without knowledge of you and their own kind would accept that.
"Thanks, THANKS to Allah, our God, in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, THE GREAT MAHDI, who was to come and has come, to restore -- Awe", who were lost from our OWN -- the Kingdom of Islam -- and to destroy those who have destroyed us.
"Thou art our God, O Allah, and we are Thy people. Deliver us from our murderers and we will serve and obey Thee all the days of our life and we will teach our children Thy Praises and to submit to Thee for Thy Unequaled Love and Mercy for us.
"And thanks to You, O Allah, for making manifest our enemy (the devil), and help us, O Allah, to die the death of a Muslim."
(Signed: Elijah Muhammad)
A Quick Note to get you started
Keep this in mind when reading all of the blogs on this page.
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
You are what you eat - Written by Nubian Goddess
What do we need to eat... ?
Is there only 1 cause of disease ?
Does food effect your emotions
Answer by Nubain Goddess....
yes there is one cause, muscus but mucus comes because of what you eat
and what you eat isn't just what you put in your mouth, its what you put on your skin too .... your skin is the largest organ of your entire body! Its takes a lot of things through the lotions and creme's we put on to the clothes we put on
and yes what you eat does affect your emotions and im sayin this through personal experience!
when i eat holistic, im much happier have a better outlook and think more holistic
but you need to putting things that are natural ... you kno some hair lotions have alcohol in them! and alcohol messes with the womans uterus, and the mans prostate ... which is where our energy resides
they mess that up for you then your ass aint going nowhere.
For breakfast i usually either juice up some fruit, eat fruit or i make a holistic cereal, so i break up pecans in a bowl, have coconut on it, strawberry, and almond milk or soya
soya's good alternative for dairy BUT men have to be careful with their intake as it is high in estrogen and that can affect men's prostates
you have to realize that your body works in mysterious and wonderful ways, your body doesn't know whats good or bad, it just does what you've told it to do so if you have put something into your mouth YOU have sent the signal to your body that this is what i need so deal with it .... lol
so now your body extracts everything and puts it where it puts it, if it cant do anything with it then it transports it through the body to be excreted
so now what happens is that if your body deems it not fit it still has to pass thought your liver, kidneys, blood transport system and your prostate to leave the body
so you have now infecting those parts of your body with the sugar, salt and all the other hormones etc in the food
the only way to not do that damage is to not eat it
dairy is the one of the worst for forming mucus
because dairy curdles in the stomach
and thus stops proper digestion taking place.
This was a brief convo held between Seb-Ka and Nubian Goddess
You are what you Eat..
Hotep - peace and love
Monday, 27 April 2009
Life - Written by Seb-ka
Humans are heliotropes -- we are electronically plugged into the sun's rays and when this connection is severed, disorder is soon to follow. Particular minerals and enzymes in the body's cells that could normally be activated will not receive the proper wavelengths and will remain in the dark. They do not catalyze normal, cellular metabolic reactions. This translates into less energy exchange, glandular insufficiencies, and reduced ability to burn fats and toxins.
The body is an electrical bio-system, collecting energy from the atmosphere. We feel more energetic on bright days and less so on dull days. The nerve ganglia all over the body may be reasonably likened to electric wires for conducting photons of light energy collected by the skin and eyes and distributed to the internal organs and cells. Skin health and vitality is essential for proper absorption of light. Without a balanced spectrum of light in our daily diet, we suffer from what is called "malillumination syndrome."
A quote from a scientist by the name of Dr. John Ott states, "My studies indicate that light is a nutrient, similar to all other nutrients we take in, we need the full spectrum range of natural daylight. Malillumination occurs when wavelengths are missing in various types of artificial light or are filtered from natural light passing through window glass, windshields, sunglasses, smog, and even suntan lotion. Those particular minerals in chemicals in the individual cells of our bodies that would normally be metabolized by the missing wavelengths remain in the equivalent of darkness." (just so you know, a european said this, so now i'm sure you see what i am saying is true...kmt)
In other words, you can't extract the energy from food materials if you don't get the proper wavelengths to break them down chemically.
Matter of your body is defined by conventional science by three forms: gases, liquid, and solids. These three forms are defined in terms of atoms (atum - Adam) -- the smallest particles of matter capable of an independent existence. In 1913 Niels Bohr theorized that the structure of the atom is likened to a tiny solar system-sun aka soul (the nucleus of our solar system, and the soul the nucleus of your very being) surrounded by orbiting planets (electrons, aka spiritual energy in your very being). Around the atomic nucleus consisting of protons and neutrons orbit one or more electrons. This follows the ancient kemetic overstanding of "as above so below" , later plagirised by Christianity and Judaism.
Hotep - Peace and love to you all.
Saturday, 25 April 2009
Sunlight - written by Seb-Ka
Sunlight is composed of many different levels of energy. This energy is transmitted in the form of electromagnetic waves. These electromagnetic waves vary in length from .00001 of a nanometer (for cosmic rays, as they are called by science, and a nanometer is 1/1,000,000,000 of a meter) to about 5,000 kilometers, or 3,100 miles for electric waves. This is an incredibly wide range of energy radiations for one singular source to produce.
Not all of these energy rays from the sun reach the earth's surface and our bodies. The atmosphere that surrounds the earth protects it from absorbing all but a small and safe portion of these numerous wavelengths emitted by the sun. Of the waves that do reach the earth's surface, the human eye can only see a very small portion. It has been estimated that the human eye can see only a fraction of 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum that does reach beyond the layers of atmospheric protection so well provided for our safety. Ultraviolet and infrared radiation that does penetrate and come into our atmosphere is invisible to the human eye. It is the ultraviolet portion of sunlight that has been scientifically proven to be the most biologically active, and unfortunately, it has also been ultraviolet light that is eliminated and filtered out by common window glass and the supposedly solar transmitting glazes that are commonly used in our buildings today. Even sunglasses and clothing prevent the proper amount of sunlight and ultraviolet light from reaching our bodies and bringing vibrant and healthful properties to full peak.
The amount of ultraviolet light that is available from the sun depends upon the season and the location where you are on earth. The more atmospheres that the ultraviolet light has to pass through, the less there will be to reach the earth. In the winter, when the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun the sunlight must pass through more atmosphere, therefore less ultraviolet light is available for our bodies, not to mention for plants and other living things that depend upon sunlight for proper development and growth.
Sunlight emits all forms of electromagnetic rays, including cosmic rays, gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet rays, and near-ultraviolet rays in the visible range that our eyes see as color, and short wave, ultraviolet, infrared, radio waves, electric waves, and the incredibly long waves which reach us as heat and warmth. Unfortunately the current medical concept of sunlight incorrectly preaches to us of a "harmful and dangerous" sun, one that is responsible for aging, and capable of causing skin cancer. Fortunately though, this concept is responsible for the great amount of research done on the effects of sunlight on humans, animals and plants. This research provides an abundance of technical materials on the true effects of sunlight and its relation to human health and longevity. Undeniably, the sun plays a role in the development of skin cancer to humans lacking melelain but is not the main factor in such problems to those abundant in melelain.